Saturday, August 31, 2013

东华洞 - 16尺龙香 (Tong Wah Cave - 16 feet Long Xiang )


看似简单,一点也不容易,虽然龙香掉了在上面,人力也不能缺少,因为,要把三支大龙香放进   '香架'上直立这才算是完成,真是不简单啊!

Three 16 feet high ignition point for the first time in dragon incense is one of donghua hole 145 year Long Xiang, person nature is unable to carry on the stairs, and very heavy, accidentally broken LongXiang. 

So, rent a 45 tons of heavy
crane, carefully put the three

dragon incense hanging up

Looks be like simple it's not easy
although Long Xiang away in the above, the human can not lack of, because, to put the three dragon incense in to the upright 'Sweet Frame', this is done, is really not easy!

The following image for reference.

东华洞-佈施(TongWahCave-Alms Giving)

东华洞 - 玉皇大帝和观音娘娘千秋宝诞,举办佈施贫老孤儿。我们将收到善信慷慨的募捐食品如:-米,食油,米粉,金单面,牛奶,麦片,饼干等等。而且,也一起拍照留念以及作证。

Dong Hua hole - the jade emperor and the goddess of mercy empress art treasure to christmas, for alms poor old orphan.We will receive the good letter generous donations food such as :-rice, edible oil, rice noodles, gold single, milk, cereal, biscute etc.Moreover also took photos together, and witness.
Date : 26.07.2013
( 农历 : 6 月19 日 )

第一批,我们佈施给‘打扪救世军’。                                            First we alms giving "The Salvation Army".
第二批,我们佈施给‘一心儿童收容中心’。                                 Second we alms giving "Children's Welfare House".
第三批,我们佈施给‘怡保爱心之友’。                                   Third we alms giving"Ipoh Love & Care Society ".
第四批,我们佈施给‘忠诚收留迟钝残障儿童中心’。                 Four we alms giving"Loyal Handicapped And Disabled Children Home Association".     
第五批,我们佈施给'孤儿院'。  Five we alms giving "Arut Perum Jothi Children Home". 
第六批,我们布施给'怡保爱心之友慈善组织'。                    Six we alms giving "IPOH LOVE & CARE SOCIETY"
而且,由"怡保心之友慈善组织"出一张奖状"衷城感激,功在心" 日期:13.10.13给东华洞由善信人士"彭从"代表接状,在此东华洞真"怡保心之友慈善组织"状义表感恩。
And, by the "Ipoh Love & Care Society" issued a diploma "ZhongCheng grateful, work in love" date: 13.10.13 to donghua hole by people, good faith "Phang Choong Fatt" is for pick up, sincerely thank the donghua hole "Ipoh Love & Care Society" issue testimonials righteousness table gratitude.
在东华洞里,有一位观世音看‘牌卦’。她的牌卦主要是'家宅','婚姻','财运','事业','生意','运程','婚姻过大礼'等等。 而这张照片是来自吉隆坡的年轻人,经过此地看卦。且很多吉隆坡的人,都有介绍朋友来看牌卦,以及也有把照片放在'面子书',让更多朋友知道,东华洞里确实有一位看牌卦的女士,她的收费只是二十元,联络号码是 013-4388482
In donghua cave, there is a goddess of mercy to see 'brand hexagrams'. Her card is primarily a 'home', 'marriage', 'money', and 'business', 'fortune', 'marriage gift' and so on. And this picture is a young man from Kuala Lumpur, pass through the hexagrams. And many people in Kuala Lumpur, has introduced a friend to see card hexagrams, and also have put the photos' face book, let more friends know, donghua hole does have a watch brand hexagrams lady, she is only RM20 ( Dollar : Twenty Only), and her contact number is 013-4388482 。







在怡保旅游胜地里,每个人都非常熟悉的两个洞,就是"三宝洞" 和 "霹雳洞"。
唯有一个坐落在打扪(Tambun),经过游乐场"The Lost Of Tambun",到了交通线路的不远处就隐约看到了一个山洞,顺着路线去转左已经到达了目的,门口写着"东华洞"三个字,而且有一个对联写着"东华靈洞傲山立,玉皇威靈顯真蹟"配对这山洞门口设计有着古典风格。旁边有一个 "拿督公" 打开门就能看到里面有摆放着"Nasi Lemak", "Roti Canai","Kopi","水果和鲜花”这些都是善信和香客买来供奉

In ipoh resort, everyone are very familiar with the two holes, is "the sanbao cave" and "blue hole".
Only one is located in The ammonites (Tambun), through The playground "Of" The Lost Of Tambun, The traffic line saw a cave nearby is faint, along The route to turn left has reached The purpose, The door that read "donghua hole" three words, and there is a couplet written on "donghua proud spirit hole mountain, jade emperor welling to show genuine" matching The cave door design with a classical style. Next to a "dato male" open the door to see there is "Nasi Lemak", "Roti Canai", "Kopi", "fruit and flowers, these are the good faith and pilgrims to buy.


外景其中的三座高级公寓名为" THE HAVEN"

Along the one hundred and fifty steps, we can see the scenery outside, another feeling. When standing on high place, against the wind to blow in the body, the hot weather to cool of body and mind, slowly appreciate the location of each part of the mountain, trees, buildings, and a "lion".
On one of THE three senior apartments, called "THE HAVEN"
The sunrise yunxuan. Because, where is the location of the water around the mountain name show.

"大伯公殿"每个人都最熟悉,左边是武官 和右边是文官。
"BigBoGongTemple" every one is most familiar with,the left is a on the right is the civilian and military attache.
"The earth treasure bodhisattva"is one of my favorite house, because the space is large, there are half a fish pond, pond with a few carp, and there is a natural rock.


 完成日期 : 15.06.2013
Just finished in front of the "keeper". 
Completion Date : 15.06.2013

On the left side of the door god is "Wei Chi Gong".
On the right side of the door god is "Qin Shu Bao".

完成日期 : 15.07.2013
This picture is after a good man of a pair of hands and agile mind, drawing out a "lifelike" tsinglung, is a painting art genius.
Completion Date : 15.07.2013


龙柱是由一位很积极,勇敢,毅力,排除万难和坚定的善男子,去完成一对龙柱,在整个过程中除了,画稿,筹款,和向每位善信以及香客简介捐款的内容以外,这可说是一件具有挑战性的任务。但是,到了最后,终于还是完成了"龙柱"的任务,功德圆满。而且,上面 的图案是由电脑设计公司,打印出三张"八仙过海","玉皇殿"和"仙女",把庙里面增添光彩。 以下是两张左右龙柱的图片。

"Long Zhu" is made by a very active, brave, persistence, the obstacles and determined the god man, to complete a pair of  'long zhu', in addition, in the process of artwork, fundraising, and to each kind letter and to introduce the content of the donation, pilgrims this is a challenging task.  But, in the end , finally completed the "Long Zhu" task, politics. Moreover, the above design is made by computer design, print out the three 'ensemble', 'jade emperor emple' and'fairy' inside the temple.
The following picture is about two"Long Zhu"。

This is after one hundred years of natural stone.


Is the highest among the 'Jade Emperor', the second row is 
'Li Zu Xian Ancestors', 'Kong Ming Master', ' Too Old Gentlemen'
on the third row is a ' Close Emperor Sage-King', 'Guan Ying', 
'Golden Boy and Jade Girl', 'Which Zha Three Prince'.


Figure is up and down 
'18 arhats'.

上图是’太阴娘娘‘ 和 ’地母娘娘‘。

Picture above is 'Lunar Empress' and 'Mother Empress'.

Picture midle is 'Deity Of The Sun', 
'The Inspiration Of Past Teacher' and 
'Birthday Ye'

Below is the oldest 'Bronze'。


Nine people including the east in the picture he was at the beginning of YIN RUI ZHEN, GOLD DO NO such thing HUANG DAO FA past teacher and so on, and founded by dong hua hole, leave a photo let's descendants remember once had the presence of elders.

东华洞是由九位修道的法师创立而成,已有一百四十五年的历史。 由简陋的东华洞,让无数的善男子善女人一点一滴的修改,竖立佛像供奉,也创造出一百五十个楼梯。沿着楼梯上去,有一个凉亭,哪有两句词 (1) 青山不理凡尘事,绿水何曾洗是非 (2)登山者有缘,下山者得福。欢迎世界各地朋友来参观。  

Donghua hole is composed of nine monastery founded mage, has a history of one hundred and forty-five years. By crude donghua hole, let countless good man good woman every bit of change, to erect the Buddha, and also create one hundred and fifty stairs. Down the stairs, there is a pavilion, where there are two words (1) the castle peak ignore the bun, green water is ever wash (2) the climber decree by destiny, the mountain is good.Welcome friends from all over the world come to visit.