在这一天,由18.08.2013 - 20.08.2013东华洞联同顺水啤酒园举办了3天盂兰盛会,以及在最后一天也邀请了助念团一起参与。
Lunar July 14 (some places are July 15), known as the hungry ghost festival of Taoism, Buddhism is called LAN section, old folk Halloween, half in July. Legend has it that day, hell's gate open, the ghosts of hell will be put out. Go home of the Lord; Without the Lord's wandering, wandering in any place where man can find something to eat. So people have held such as chanting practice in July "purdue" to turn the wandering soul generally, because of them as a curse, or pray for the ghost to help cure and home safe.
On this day, by 18.08.2013 20.08.2013 donghua hole in conjunction with LAN well beer garden held three days, after the event, and also invited to read in the last day of the group to participate in together.

In worship, have put a big ye, brothers lotus throne, the name of the clan lotus throne and Ben GongXianXian lotus throne, and there is a giant Buddha ship and incense, candlestick, fruit, food dishes, roast duck, roast pigs, package, tea next, chicken and so on, also provide paper ZhiMa, clothing and paper, paper gold and silver tree, and so on.
这三天,除了念诵《大悲咒》、《十小咒》、《心经》,《往生咒》、《三真言》等,祈求佛菩萨慈悲下界指导;最后,普施仪式在晚上举行,主要是,烧法船、烧灵房,在一片火光闪烁中,法会圆满结束。法船将他 们统统渡往了充满的西方极乐世界;灵房则提供了亡灵世界所必须的广厦和别墅。盂兰盆会的所有目的,在这一刻得到了完整的体现,每个人,功德无量。
This three days, in addition to recite the great mercy mantra, "ten little charm", "heart sutra", "wang sheng zhou", "three words" and so on, pray to Buddha bodhisattva compassion lower guidance; Finally, at the ceremony was held in the evening, mainly, burning method of ship, burning room, in a piece of firelight, can successfully concluded. Method of ship crossing to the western heaven is full of them all; Spirit room provides a dead world must be built and villa. All purpose, full embodiment in this moment, everyone, major.