Sunday, November 3, 2013


在上一篇东华洞里面大概介绍各个的殿,大伯公殿是其中之一。 但是,对于大伯公的了解并不深,所以,翻查网上是这般的写法:-

 In the previous donghua hole probably introduced various temple, big BoGong temple is one of them. But, for big BoGong understanding is not deep, so going through online is written like this: -
Land god "big BoGong", and there are all sorts of things: ford is god, ford's master, land BoGong, earth, earth god, soil, land, soil, soil is, god, club, club officer, etc. Originated in awe and gratitude to the land, the main popular amalgamations region, is influenced by han culture common folk beliefs.
In Chinese traditional culture, big BoGong belongs to local patron saint. Blessing of sacrifice big BoGong namely the earth, with, seek, peace, the meaning of harvest. Big BoGong is in Taoist gods, and the people more close to the deities.

This article, will be mentioned before, the use of into the door of the temple, the arbor may seem simple, occasional rock rocks down, would result in damage to the arbor, and naughty monkey often sabotage, return true not fold.

 After, positive good man to the pilgrims, to build a solid house door, the following picture is the process of building: -

Employees, after two months of work hard, paint and decorate, finally finished the project, is really something. And the name of "ford temple" temple of the door。

这天,也请所有的善信不分男女老少踊跃,一同出席开幕典礼,包括剪裁和点10尺笼香。 仪式完毕后,备有烧猪,鸡,鸭,寿桃,发糕,炒粉,水果,茶果·招待等等。
 Rambutan donghua hole, on November 24, 2013 (lunar October 22) on Sunday, morning at 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM began to hold uncle GongMen "ford temple" temple, a grand opening ceremony, but also thanks to donghua holes have been, good faith support contributions to have today's achievement, thank you again for the Thanksgiving.
This day, also please all of the good faith in both men and women, old and young, eager, attended the opening ceremony, including cutting and points 10 feet cage. After the ceremony, with roast pigs, chicken, duck, peach, steamed sponge cake, Fried powder, fruit, tea fruit, entertaining and so on.

Remember... Don't forget to attend, see you then。

今天,24.11.2013 星期日,也就是大伯公门殿"福德祠"一个隆重的仪式开幕典礼。 这一天,大家都已经一早准备搬彩龙香,清香8尺和10尺大龙香准备点燃以及把烧猪,鸡,鸭,茶果等等都摆放好,而且,楼下也已经准备所有的食物,例如炒米粉,面,加里斋菜和番薯糖水。
一切准备就绪,人潮慢慢的开始到来,有的点香有的上到玉皇殿参拜和看卜卦,可以说是十分热闹。 直到请神仪式开始到结束后,而且,也邀请了醒狮来助兴,接着就是热心公益剪彩嘉宾。最后,当然开餐咯。
Today, 24.11.2013 Sunday, that is, uncle GongMen temple "ford temple" a grand ceremony of the opening ceremony. Early that day, everyone has to move dragon incense, fragrant 8 feet and 10 feet dragon incense to ignite and the roast pigs, chickens, ducks, fruit tea and so on are put good, and are ready to all of the food downstairs, such as Fried rice noodles, noodles, Gary diet food and sweet potato sugar water.
Everything is ready, people slowly began to come, some incense some on to the jade emperor temple visits and divination, can be said to be very busy. Until after the ceremony begins to please god, furthermore, also invited the awakening to entertain, then there is public-spirited, cut the ribbon. Finally, of course, the meal.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


农历七月十四日(有些地方是七月十五日),道教称为中元节,佛教称为盂兰节,民间旧称鬼节,七月半。相传那一天,地狱大门打开,阴间的鬼魂会放禁出 来。有主的回家去;没主的就到处游荡, 徘徊于任何人迹可到的地方找东西吃。所以人们纷纷在七月里以诵经作法等事举行“普度”以普遍超度孤魂,恐防它们为祸人间,又或祈求鬼魂帮助治病和保佑家宅 平安。
在这一天,由18.08.2013 - 20.08.2013东华洞联同顺水啤酒园举办了3天盂兰盛会,以及在最后一天也邀请了助念团一起参与。
 Lunar July 14 (some places are July 15), known as the hungry ghost festival of Taoism, Buddhism is called LAN section, old folk Halloween, half in July. Legend has it that day, hell's gate open, the ghosts of hell will be put out. Go home of the Lord; Without the Lord's wandering, wandering in any place where man can find something to eat. So people have held such as chanting practice in July "purdue" to turn the wandering soul generally, because of them as a curse, or pray for the ghost to help cure and home safe.
On this day, by 18.08.2013 20.08.2013 donghua hole in conjunction with LAN well beer garden held three days, after the event, and also invited to read in the last day of the group to participate in together.

 In worship, have put a big ye, brothers lotus throne, the name of the clan lotus throne and Ben GongXianXian lotus throne, and there is a giant Buddha ship and incense, candlestick, fruit, food dishes, roast duck, roast pigs, package, tea next,  chicken and so on, also provide paper ZhiMa, clothing and paper, paper gold and silver tree, and so on.


这三天,除了念诵《大悲咒》、《十小咒》、《心经》,《往生咒》、《三真言》等,祈求佛菩萨慈悲下界指导;最后,普施仪式在晚上举行,主要是,烧法船、烧灵房,在一片火光闪烁中,法会圆满结束。法船将他 们统统渡往了充满的西方极乐世界;灵房则提供了亡灵世界所必须的广厦和别墅。盂兰盆会的所有目的,在这一刻得到了完整的体现,每个人,功德无量。
This three days, in addition to recite the great mercy mantra, "ten little charm", "heart sutra", "wang sheng zhou", "three words" and so on, pray to Buddha bodhisattva compassion lower guidance; Finally, at the ceremony was held in the evening, mainly, burning method of ship, burning room, in a piece of firelight, can successfully concluded. Method of ship crossing to the western heaven is full of them all; Spirit room provides a dead world must be built and villa. All purpose, full embodiment in this moment, everyone, major.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

东华洞 - 16尺龙香 (Tong Wah Cave - 16 feet Long Xiang )


看似简单,一点也不容易,虽然龙香掉了在上面,人力也不能缺少,因为,要把三支大龙香放进   '香架'上直立这才算是完成,真是不简单啊!

Three 16 feet high ignition point for the first time in dragon incense is one of donghua hole 145 year Long Xiang, person nature is unable to carry on the stairs, and very heavy, accidentally broken LongXiang. 

So, rent a 45 tons of heavy
crane, carefully put the three

dragon incense hanging up

Looks be like simple it's not easy
although Long Xiang away in the above, the human can not lack of, because, to put the three dragon incense in to the upright 'Sweet Frame', this is done, is really not easy!

The following image for reference.

东华洞-佈施(TongWahCave-Alms Giving)

东华洞 - 玉皇大帝和观音娘娘千秋宝诞,举办佈施贫老孤儿。我们将收到善信慷慨的募捐食品如:-米,食油,米粉,金单面,牛奶,麦片,饼干等等。而且,也一起拍照留念以及作证。

Dong Hua hole - the jade emperor and the goddess of mercy empress art treasure to christmas, for alms poor old orphan.We will receive the good letter generous donations food such as :-rice, edible oil, rice noodles, gold single, milk, cereal, biscute etc.Moreover also took photos together, and witness.
Date : 26.07.2013
( 农历 : 6 月19 日 )

第一批,我们佈施给‘打扪救世军’。                                            First we alms giving "The Salvation Army".
第二批,我们佈施给‘一心儿童收容中心’。                                 Second we alms giving "Children's Welfare House".
第三批,我们佈施给‘怡保爱心之友’。                                   Third we alms giving"Ipoh Love & Care Society ".
第四批,我们佈施给‘忠诚收留迟钝残障儿童中心’。                 Four we alms giving"Loyal Handicapped And Disabled Children Home Association".     
第五批,我们佈施给'孤儿院'。  Five we alms giving "Arut Perum Jothi Children Home". 
第六批,我们布施给'怡保爱心之友慈善组织'。                    Six we alms giving "IPOH LOVE & CARE SOCIETY"
而且,由"怡保心之友慈善组织"出一张奖状"衷城感激,功在心" 日期:13.10.13给东华洞由善信人士"彭从"代表接状,在此东华洞真"怡保心之友慈善组织"状义表感恩。
And, by the "Ipoh Love & Care Society" issued a diploma "ZhongCheng grateful, work in love" date: 13.10.13 to donghua hole by people, good faith "Phang Choong Fatt" is for pick up, sincerely thank the donghua hole "Ipoh Love & Care Society" issue testimonials righteousness table gratitude.
在东华洞里,有一位观世音看‘牌卦’。她的牌卦主要是'家宅','婚姻','财运','事业','生意','运程','婚姻过大礼'等等。 而这张照片是来自吉隆坡的年轻人,经过此地看卦。且很多吉隆坡的人,都有介绍朋友来看牌卦,以及也有把照片放在'面子书',让更多朋友知道,东华洞里确实有一位看牌卦的女士,她的收费只是二十元,联络号码是 013-4388482
In donghua cave, there is a goddess of mercy to see 'brand hexagrams'. Her card is primarily a 'home', 'marriage', 'money', and 'business', 'fortune', 'marriage gift' and so on. And this picture is a young man from Kuala Lumpur, pass through the hexagrams. And many people in Kuala Lumpur, has introduced a friend to see card hexagrams, and also have put the photos' face book, let more friends know, donghua hole does have a watch brand hexagrams lady, she is only RM20 ( Dollar : Twenty Only), and her contact number is 013-4388482 。



